International Masterclasses, Artist talks, Acousmatic concerts and Panel discussion

  • 27. September – 29. September 2019

Ukrainian Institute, in partnership with the The Acousmatic Project, is organizing international masterclasses on electroacoustic and acousmatic composition which will be held in Vienna on 24-29 September 2019 as part of the annual Sounds Around Me Festival by The Acousmatic Project.

The programme includes a series of workshops, individual classes, public lectures and concerts by four leading composers, involved as mentors:

  • Annette Vande Gorne (Belgium)
  • Thomas Gorbach (Austria)
  • Jaime Reis (Portugal)
  • Alla Zagaykevych (Ukraine)

The project is a part of the bilateral Cultural Year Austria-Ukraine 2019.


Click to find details:

Artist talks & lectures

All artist talks and lectures are open to the public. Free entrance!

Thomas Gorbach (AT): The development of the ephemer dynamic motion sound sculptures with the Vienna Acousmonium.

  • Wednesday, 25. September, 6.00 p.m.
  • Mehrzwecksaal/Multi-purpose space (3rd floor), Academy of fine Arts Vienna, Lehárgasse 8, 1060 Vienna

Annette Vande Gorne (BE): Acousmatic music, historical continuity or split-up?

  • Thursday, 26. September 2019, 6.00 p.m.
  • Echoraum, Sechshauserstrasse 66, 1150 Vienna

Annette Vande Gorne is the artistic director of Musiques & Recherches and the international acousmatic festival  L’Espace du Son

Alla Zagaykevych (UA) will hold a lecture about: Electroacoustic composition with instruments as an interactive process.

  • Friday, 27. September 2019, 5.00 p.m.
  • Mehrzwecksaal/Multi-purpose space (3rd floor), Academy of fine Arts Vienna, Lehárgasse 8, 1060 Vienna

Jaime Reis (PT): Mixed music in my musical practice: dialogues, ‚mikrophonie‘ and ’sound beams‘.

  • Saturday, 28. September 2019, 3.00 p.m.
  • Alte Schmiede Kunstverein Wien, Schönlaterngasse 9, 1010 Vienna

Denis Dufour (FR): Acousmatic art: structuring time.

  • Saturday, 28. September 2019, 4.00 p.m.
  • Alte Schmiede Kunstverein Wien, Schönlaterngasse 9, 1010 Vienna
  • This talk is supported by: Kunstverein Alte Schmiede, Stromschiene

In the course of this lecture, we shall explore together the ways in which acousmatic composition gives access to an infinite number of non-conventional possibilities of linking sounds to enliven a work, and to structure its length so as to keep the listener’s attention. Indeed, for several decades now, many composers have limited themselves far too often to these three stereotyped articulations: 1. tension-release (crescendo-detonation), 2. sustain-rupture (stagnation-deflagration), 3. dissolution (crossfade). These have given rise to an abundant production of “musiques à explosions” (‘music of explosions’): cold, standardised works, with an impeccably modelled form, following the recipes of sound design, invariably sustained by deep, cavernous basses. These repetitive processes are not favourable to inspiration and make such works unlikely to last.

Acousmatic concerts

Thursday, 26. September 2019, start: 8.00 p.m.

  • Acousmatic concert

Echoraum, Sechshauserstrasse 66, 1150 Vienna

Friday, 27. September 2019, start: 6.30 p.m.

  • 6.30 p.m. Students concerts, Free entry!
  • 7.30 p.m. Acousmatic concerts
    • Alla Zagaykevych (UA)
    • Jaime Reis (PT)
  • 9.30 p.m. Acousmatic concert
    • François Bonnet (F) director of the prestigious institute INA-GRM

Academy of fine Arts Vienna, Lehárgasse 8, 1060 Vienna

Saturday, 28. September 2019, start: 6.00 p.m.

  • 6.00 p.m. Students concert, Free entry!
  • 07.30 p.m. Acousmatic concerts
    • Denis Dufour (FR) founder of the MOTUS Acousmonium in 1996
    • Annette Vande Gorne (BE) artistic director of Musiques & Recherches and the international acousmatic festival  L’Espace du Son
    • Thomas Gorbach (AT) founder of The Acousmatic Project

Academy of fine Arts Vienna, Lehárgasse 8, 1060 Vienna

Sunday, 29. September 2019, start: 6.00 p.m.

  • 6.00 p.m. Students concert, Free entry!
  • 07.45 p.m. Acousmatic concerts
    • Marie-Jeanne Wyckmans (BE)
    • Martina Claussen (AT)
    • Sylvie Lacroix (F)
    • Patrick K.-H. (RU)

Academy of fine Arts Vienna, Lehárgasse 8, 1060 Vienna

Concert tickets

  • 4-days-festival-pass 48 €
  • 3-days-festival-pass 36 €
  • Concert entry (1 day):
    • full price 16 €
    • reduced 12 €

You can pre-order tickets: Please send us an e-mail.

Panel Discussion: Acousmatic music as european cultural heritage

The planel disussion is open to the public. Free entrance!

Sunday, 29. September 2019, 4.30 p.m.

  • Denis Dufour (F) – founder of the Motus Acousmonium
  • Thomas Gorbach (AT) – Inaugurator of the Acousmatic Project and the Vienna Acousmonium
  • Anton Iakhontov aka Patrick K.-H. (RU) – founder / curator of the Floating Sound Gallery and Russian ACOUSMONIUM festival, St.Petersburg, Composer
  • Jaime Reis (PT) – DME Lissabon, ESML
  • Albert Saprykin – Member of Ukrainian Institut, Kiev
  • Germán Torro-Perez (AT) – leader of Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology, Zurich
  • Alla Zagaykevych (UA) – UAEM, EM-visia, Kyiv
  • Annette Vande Gorne (BE) – artistic director of Musiques & Recherches and the international acousmatic festival  L’Espace du Son
  • moderated by Bernhard Günther (AT) – artistic director of Festival Wien Modern

Academy of fine Arts Vienna, Lehárgasse 8, 1060 Vienna


Masterclasses are open to the public. Free entry!

Important: If you want to attend, e-mail us – so we can update you with the venues and times.

24./25./26. September 2019

  • 10.00 a.m.–01.00 p.m. Masterclasses
  • 02.00 p.m.–05.00 p.m. Masterclasses

27./28. September 2019

  • 10.00 a.m.–12.00 p.m. Masterclasses

Mentors and thematic areas

Annette Vande Gorne

Writing acousmatic music on fixed media and multiphony

  • Mentor: Annette Vande Gorne, Belgium
  • Working languages: French, English
  • The workshop’s topic: Energy models, techniques using montage, techniques combining sounds and transformation techniques, categories of space.
  • Artist Talk: Acousmatic music, historical continuity or split-up?

Annette Vande Gorne (born 1946, Charleroi, Belgium) is a Belgian composer of acousmatic music. She studied at the Paris Conservatory by Pierre Schaeffer and Guy Reibel. She founded the Association de Musiques et Recherches and the Métamorphoses d’Orphée studios at Ohain, Belgium. Annette Vande Gorne also launched a series of concerts and an acousmatic festival called L’Espace du son in Brussels since 1984. Since 1986 she has taught at leading musical academies in Liège, Brussels and Mons, Belgium. In the Royal conservatory of Mons, she founded a electroacoustic section with 14 teachers.

Alla Zagaykevych

Electroacoustic compositions with musical instruments

  • Mentor: Alla Zagaykevych, Ukraine
  • Working languages: French, Ukrainian, English
  • The workshop’s topic: Electroacoustic composition with instruments as an interactive process.
  • Artist Talk: Electroacoustic music in Ukraine.

Alla Zagaykevych (born 1966, in Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine) is a Ukrainian contemporary classical music composer, performance artist, cultural manager, musicologist. In 1995-1996 she attended annual course for composition and musical informatics at the Institut IRCAM (Paris).Since 1998 she is a lecturer at the Composition and Music Information Technologies’ Department of the Kyiv National Music Academy of Ukraine, where she founded the electroacoustic music studio. Alla Zagaykevych is an Artistic Director of international projects of electroacoustic music in Kyiv: “Electroacoustics” (since 2003), “EM-VISIA” (since 2005). Since 2010, she is the head of the Association of Electroacoustic Music at the National Composers` Union Organization of Ukraine.Musica Nova International Competition’s Winner (2011).

Jaime Reis

Mixed media electroacoustic music

  • Mentor: Jaime Reis, Portugal
  • Working languages: English, Portuguese, Spanish, French.
  • The workshop’s topic: Mixed music as an evolving dialogue.
  • Artist Talk: Mixed music in my musical practice: dialogues, ‚mikrophonie‘ and ’sound beams‘.

Jaime Reis (born 1983, Lisbon, Portugal) is a Portuguese composer. During his studying, attended seminars with Karlheinz Stockhausen and worked with Emmanuel Nunes. His music has been presented over more than 20 countries, both instrumental and electroacoustic. He has collaborated with institutions and ensembles such as IRCAM, KCMD, Musik Fabrik, ZKM, Aleph Guitar Quartet Musiques & Recherches. Since 2003 Jaime Reis is an artistic director of the DME Festival – Electroacoustic Music Days (having 60 editions). Now, he’s Professor in the Superior School of Applied Arts Castelo Branco, Portugal and in the Superior Music School of Lisbon. Director of art space “Lisboa Incomum”.

Thomas Gorbach

Spatialization – Ephemeral dynamic motion sound sculptures. Working with the acousmonium.

  • Mentor: Thomas Gorbach, Austria
  • Working language: English, German, French
  • The workshop’s topic: Creating ephemeral dynamic motion sound sculptures with the Vienna Acousmonium.
  • Artist Talk: The development of the ephemer dynamic motion sound sculptures with the Vienna Acousmonium.

Thomas Gorbach (born 1966 in West Austria) is an Austrian composer of acousmatic music. He studied composition, conductor’s work and oboe in Switzerland.
In 1996 moved to Vienna to study Analysis, Interpretation, and Composition of Electroacoustic Music at the Electronic Music Department of the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna. Since 2006 lectured in Electroacoustic Music at the Vienna University of Technology. In 2007, Thomas Gorbach started to build up Austria`s first acousmonium — The Vienna Acousmonium — with concert series specialized on Acousmatic Music. Thomas Gorbach is a winner of the first prize for the interpretation of Acousmatic Music at the Concours de Spatialisation 2012, Musiques & Recherches, Brussels.

Venues involved as partners

Academy of fine Arts Vienna
Lehárgasse 8 1060 Vienna

University of Music and Performing arts Vienna
Institut of electroacoustic music
Rinößlgasse 12 1050 Vienna

Klangraum Fröbelgasse
Fröbelgasse 30 1160 Vienna

Sechshauserstrasse 66 1150 Vienna

Alte Schmiede Kunstverein Wien
Schönlaterngasse 9 1010 Vienna


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