Sounds Around Me

Talks – Concerts – Party

  • 30. September – 2. October 2016
  • Mehrzwecksaal der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien,
    1060 Wien, Lehárgasse 8
  • Festivalpass: 24.-, full price: 14.-, students: 9.-



Day 1 start 18:30h
Talk by
Theodoros Lotis (GR): To sound or not? Sound art and other tales in the era of tear gas

Concert start 19:30h

Part 1
Greek Acousmatic Music played by Theodoros Lotis
Part 2
Next generation ELAK Wien – students playing
Hala Jafar, Doris Pollhammer, Evgeny Ignashev, Peter Plos, Sebastian Spielvogel, Eduardo Arreaza , Frederic Stritter, Paule Perrier;

Part 3
Anestis Logothetis Wellenformen played by Thomas Gorbach
Francis Dhomont Espace/Escape played by Thomas Gorbach


Day 2 start 18:30h
Talk by
Jonty Harrison (GB): Tracks, channels and loudspeakers: some thoughts on the composition and performance of acousmatic music. 

Concert start 19:30h

Part 1
A Composers Portrait: Jonty Harrison (GB)
Part 2
Elisabeth Schimana (A) & Klaus Hollinez (A)
Part 3
Thomas Gorbach (A) & Electric Indigo (A)
Happy Birthday Thomas


Day 3 start 18:30h
Talk by
Jonathan Prager (F): The interpretation of acousmatic music and the MOTUS acoumonium.

Concert start 19:30h

Part 1
Jonathan Prager playing Ivo Malec & Denis Dufour
Part 2
Katharina Klement (A), Martina Claussen (A), Caroline Profanter (A), Patrik K.-H. (RU)


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